2024 Ras Al Khaimah Art Festival

Explore a world reborn  in motion with the Ras Al Khaimah Art 2024 Festival. The COVID-19 pandemic...

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Metaverse Artistic Wonders with W3rlds

A workshop on art and technology in the Metaverse! Ideal for artists, enthusiasts, or anyone...

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US Mission: Color Play with Kim Carlino

Build a personal relationship with color in our workshop. Engage in mini-projects to intuitively...

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Contemporary Impresionism Painting with Rakhi Sawalani

A post-anthropause painting workshop exploring brushstrokes and color, capturing movement and...

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Intro to Travel Photography with Andrew Tarica

Dive into Travel Photography! Master storytelling, lighting, and capturing people. Learn...

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Exploring Mexico's Looping Technique with Indira Urrutia

Explore wire knitting and learn looping techniques to craft unique designs, understand this art's...

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Motion Magic – After Effects 101

Whether you're an aspiring animator eager to breathe life into your characters, a budding designer...

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Screen Printing Workshop

Ras Al Khaimah Art Workshops Presents It's first Screen Printing workshop! Unleash your inner...

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AromArt Workshop | Ras Al Khaimah Art Workshops

Join the Ras Al Khaimah Art AromArt workshop and create beautiful, scented treasures! Learn wax...

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